ALP User Documentation  0.8.preview
Algebraic Programming User Documentation
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 adapter.hppDefines an iterator that adapts the values returned by a sub-iterator according to some user-defined lambda
 backends.hppThis file contains a register of all backends that are either implemented, under implementation, or conceived and recorded for future consideration to implement
 benchmark.hppThis file contains a variant on the grb::Launcher specialised for benchmarks
 bicgstab.hppImplements the BiCGstab algorithm
 blas0.hppDefines the ALP/GraphBLAS level-0 API
 blas1.hppDefines the ALP/GraphBLAS level-1 API
 blas2.hppDefines the ALP/GraphBLAS level-2 API
 blas3.hppDefines the ALP/GraphBLAS level-3 API
 blas_sparse.hThis is the ALP implementation of a subset of the NIST Sparse BLAS standard
 blas_sparse_vec.hThis is an ALP-specific extension to the NIST Sparse BLAS standard to support sparse vectors
 collectives.hppSpecifies some basic collectives which may be used within a multi-process ALP program
 base/config.hppDefines both configuration parameters effective for all backends, as well as defines structured ways of passing backend-specific parameters
 reference/config.hppContains the configuration parameters for the reference and reference_omp backends
 nonblocking/config.hppConfiguration settings for the nonblocking backend
 bsp1d/config.hppContains the configuration parameters for the BSP1D backend
 conjugate_gradient.hppImplements the CG algorithm
 cosine_similarity.hppImplements cosine simularity
 descriptors.hppDefines all ALP/GraphBLAS descriptors
 exec.hppSpecifies the grb::Launcher functionalities
 filter.hppProvides an iterator that filters the contents of another iterator
 gmres.hppProvides the GMRES algorithm
 graphblas.hppThe main header to include in order to use the ALP/GraphBLAS API
 identities.hppProvides a set of standard identities for use with ALP
 init.hppSpecifies the grb::init and grb::finalize functionalities
 io.hppSpecifies all I/O primitives for use with ALP/GraphBLAS containers
 iomode.hppDefines the various I/O modes a user could employ with ALP data ingestion or extraction
 kcore_decomposition.hppImplements the algebraic k-core decomposition algorithm by Li et al
 kmeans.hppImplements k-means
 kml_iss.hProvides the KML_SOLVER interface for sparse solvers
 knn.hppImplements the \( k \)-hop nearest neighbours from a given source vertex
 label.hppImplements label propagation
 matrix.hppSpecifies the ALP/GraphBLAS matrix container
 matrix_factory.hppImplements matrix factory methods
 monoid.hppProvides an ALP monoid
 mpv.hppImplements the matrix powers kernel \( y=A^kx \) over arbitrary semirings
 norm.hppImplements the 2-norm
 ops.hppProvides a set of standard binary operators
 phase.hppDefines the various phases an ALP/GraphBLAS primitive may be executed with
 pinnedvector.hppContains the specification for grb::PinnedVector
 pregel.hppThis file defines a vertex-centric programming API called ALP/Pregel, which automatically translates to standard ALP/GraphBLAS primitives
 pregel_connected_components.hppImplements the (strongly) connected components algorithm over undirected graphs using the ALP/Pregel interface
 pregel_pagerank.hppImplements a traditional vertex-centric page ranking algorithm using ALP/Pregel
 properties.hppProvides a mechanism for inspecting properties of various backends
 rc.hppDefines the ALP error codes
 regular.hppA set of iterators that mimic containers with regular structure
 semiring.hppProvides an ALP semiring
 simple_pagerank.hppImplements the canonical PageRank algorithm by Brin and Page
 solver.hDefines the solver transition path API
 sparse_nn_single_inference.hppImplements (non-batched) sparse neural network inference
 spblas_impl.hProvides the ALP implementation of a subset of the de-facto SpBLAS standard for sparse linear algebra kernels
 spmd.hppExposes facilities for direct SPMD programming
 spy.hppImplements a simple matrix spy algorithm
 type_traits.hppSpecifies the ALP algebraic type traits
 utils/iterators/type_traits.hppDefines a series of useful type traits for both STL and ALP iterators
 utils.hppUtilities for handling input iterators
 vector.hppSpecifies the ALP/GraphBLAS vector container