ALP User Documentation  0.8.preview
Algebraic Programming User Documentation
Namespaces | Functions
norm.hpp File Reference

Implements the 2-norm. More...

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 The ALP/GraphBLAS namespace.
 The namespace for ALP/GraphBLAS algorithms.


template<Descriptor descr = descriptors::no_operation, class Ring , typename InputType , typename OutputType , Backend backend, typename Coords >
RC norm2 (OutputType &x, const Vector< InputType, backend, Coords > &y, const Ring &ring=Ring(), const std::function< OutputType(OutputType) > sqrtX=std_sqrt< OutputType, OutputType >, const typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< OutputType >::value, void >::type *=nullptr)
 Provides a generic implementation of the 2-norm computation. More...
template<typename OutputType , typename InputType >
OutputType std_sqrt (const InputType x)
 An alias of std::sqrt where the input and output types are templated separately. More...

Detailed Description

Implements the 2-norm.

A. N. Yzelman
17th of March 2022