ALP User Documentation  0.8.preview
Algebraic Programming User Documentation
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
filter.hpp File Reference

Provides an iterator that filters the contents of another iterator. More...

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struct  iterator_traits< grb::utils::iterators::IteratorFilter< FwdSubIter > >
 Iterator traits for the IteratorFilter. More...
class  IteratorFilter< FwdSubIter >
 This iterator filters elements from another iterator based on a user- specified filter function. More...
class  IteratorFilter< FwdSubIter >
 This iterator filters elements from another iterator based on a user- specified filter function. More...


 The ALP/GraphBLAS namespace.
 Collects various useful STL-compatible iterators.


template<typename FwdSubIter >
IteratorFilter< FwdSubIter > make_filtered_iterator (FwdSubIter begin, const FwdSubIter end, const std::function< bool(const typename FwdSubIter::value_type &) > func)
 The factory function that takes any iterator pair over the same container and returns a filtered iterator. More...

Detailed Description

Provides an iterator that filters the contents of another iterator.

A. N. Yzelman
2nd of October, 2024