ALP User Documentation  0.8.preview
Algebraic Programming User Documentation
Namespaces | Functions
blas3.hpp File Reference

Defines the ALP/GraphBLAS level-3 API. More...

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 The ALP/GraphBLAS namespace.


template<Descriptor descr = descriptors::no_operation, class Monoid , typename OutputType , typename InputType1 , typename InputType2 , typename RIT1 , typename CIT1 , typename NIT1 , typename RIT2 , typename CIT2 , typename NIT2 , typename RIT3 , typename CIT3 , typename NIT3 , Backend backend>
RC eWiseApply (Matrix< OutputType, backend, RIT1, CIT1, NIT1 > &C, const Matrix< InputType1, backend, RIT2, CIT2, NIT2 > &A, const Matrix< InputType2, backend, RIT3, CIT3, NIT3 > &B, const Monoid &monoid, const Phase phase=EXECUTE, const typename std::enable_if< !grb::is_object< OutputType >::value &&!grb::is_object< InputType1 >::value &&!grb::is_object< InputType2 >::value &&grb::is_monoid< Monoid >::value, void >::type *const =nullptr)
 Computes \( C = A \odot B \), out of place, monoid variant. More...
template<Descriptor descr = grb::descriptors::no_operation, class Operator , typename OutputType , typename InputType1 , typename InputType2 , typename RIT1 , typename CIT1 , typename NIT1 , typename RIT2 , typename CIT2 , typename NIT2 , typename RIT3 , typename CIT3 , typename NIT3 , Backend backend>
RC eWiseApply (Matrix< OutputType, backend, RIT1, CIT1, NIT1 > &C, const Matrix< InputType1, backend, RIT2, CIT2, NIT2 > &A, const Matrix< InputType2, backend, RIT3, CIT3, NIT3 > &B, const Operator &op, const Phase phase=EXECUTE, const typename std::enable_if< !grb::is_object< OutputType >::value &&!grb::is_object< InputType1 >::value &&!grb::is_object< InputType2 >::value &&grb::is_operator< Operator >::value, void >::type *const =nullptr)
 Computes \( C = A \odot B \), out of place, operator variant. More...
template<Descriptor descr = descriptors::no_operation, typename OutputType , typename InputType1 , typename InputType2 , typename CIT1 , typename RIT1 , typename NIT1 , typename CIT2 , typename RIT2 , typename NIT2 , typename CIT3 , typename RIT3 , typename NIT3 , class Semiring , Backend backend>
RC mxm (Matrix< OutputType, backend, CIT1, RIT1, NIT1 > &C, const Matrix< InputType1, backend, CIT2, RIT2, NIT2 > &A, const Matrix< InputType2, backend, CIT3, RIT3, NIT3 > &B, const Semiring &ring=Semiring(), const Phase &phase=EXECUTE)
 Unmasked and in-place sparse matrix–sparse matrix multiplication (SpMSpM), \( C += A+B \). More...
template<Descriptor descr = descriptors::no_operation, typename OutputType , typename InputType1 , typename InputType2 , typename InputType3 , typename RIT , typename CIT , typename NIT , Backend backend, typename Coords >
RC zip (Matrix< OutputType, backend, RIT, CIT, NIT > &A, const Vector< InputType1, backend, Coords > &x, const Vector< InputType2, backend, Coords > &y, const Vector< InputType3, backend, Coords > &z, const Phase &phase=EXECUTE)
 The grb::zip merges three vectors into a matrix. More...
template<Descriptor descr = descriptors::no_operation, typename InputType1 , typename InputType2 , typename InputType3 , typename RIT , typename CIT , typename NIT , Backend backend, typename Coords >
RC zip (Matrix< void, backend, RIT, CIT, NIT > &A, const Vector< InputType1, backend, Coords > &x, const Vector< InputType2, backend, Coords > &y, const Phase &phase=EXECUTE)
 Merges two vectors into a void matrix. More...

Detailed Description

Defines the ALP/GraphBLAS level-3 API.

A. N. Yzelman