ALP User Documentation  0.8.preview
Algebraic Programming User Documentation
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Pregel< MatrixEntryType > Class Template Reference

A Pregel run-time instance. More...

Public Member Functions

template<typename IType >
 Pregel (const size_t _m, const size_t _n, IType _start, const IType _end, const grb::IOMode _mode)
 Constructs a Pregel instance from input iterators over some graph. More...
template<class Op , template< typename > class Id, class Program , typename IOType , typename GlobalProgramData , typename IncomingMessageType , typename OutgoingMessageType >
grb::RC execute (const Program program, grb::Vector< IOType > &vertex_state, const GlobalProgramData &data, grb::Vector< IncomingMessageType > &in, grb::Vector< OutgoingMessageType > &out, size_t &rounds, grb::Vector< OutgoingMessageType > &out_buffer=grb::Vector< OutgoingMessageType >(0), const size_t max_rounds=0)
 Executes a given vertex-centric program on this graph. More...
const grb::Matrix< MatrixEntryType > & getMatrix () const noexcept
 Returns the ALP/GraphBLAS matrix representation of the underlying graph. More...
size_t numEdges () const noexcept
 Queries the number of edges of the graph this Pregel instance has been constructed over. More...
size_t numVertices () const noexcept
 Queries the maximum vertex ID for programs running on this Pregel instance. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename MatrixEntryType>
class grb::interfaces::Pregel< MatrixEntryType >

A Pregel run-time instance.

Pregel wraps around graph data and executes computations on said graph. A runtime thus is constructed from graph, and enables running any Pregel algorithm on said graph.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Pregel()

Pregel ( const size_t  _m,
const size_t  _n,
IType  _start,
const IType  _end,
const grb::IOMode  _mode 

Constructs a Pregel instance from input iterators over some graph.

Template Parameters
ITypeThe type of the input iterator.
[in]_mThe maximum vertex ID for excident edges.
[in]_nThe maximum vertex ID for incident edges.
This is equivalent to the row- and column- size of an input matrix which represents the input graph.
If these values are not known, please scan the input iterators to derive these values prior to calling this constructor. On compelling reasons why such functionality would be useful to provide as a standard factory method, please feel welcome to submit an issue.
The graph is assumed to have contiguous IDs – i.e., every vertex ID in the range of 0 (inclusive) to the maximum of m and n (exclusive) has at least one excident or at least one incident edge.
[in]_startAn iterator pointing to the start element of an a collection of edges.
[in]_endAn iterator matching _start in end position.

All edges to be ingested thus are contained within _start and end.

[in]_modeWhether sequential or parallel I/O is to be used.

The value of _mode only takes effect when there are multiple user processes, such as for example when executing over a distributed-memory cluster. The choice between sequential and parallel I/O should be thus:

  • If the edges pointed to by _start and _end correspond to the entire set of edges on each process, then the I/O mode should be grb::SEQUENTIAL;
  • If the edges pointed to by _start and _end correspond to different sets of edges on each different process while their union represents the graph to be ingested, then the I/O mode should be grb::PARALLEL.

On errors during ingestion, this constructor throws exceptions.

Member Function Documentation

◆ execute()

grb::RC execute ( const Program  program,
grb::Vector< IOType > &  vertex_state,
const GlobalProgramData &  data,
grb::Vector< IncomingMessageType > &  in,
grb::Vector< OutgoingMessageType > &  out,
size_t &  rounds,
grb::Vector< OutgoingMessageType > &  out_buffer = grb::Vector< OutgoingMessageType >(0),
const size_t  max_rounds = 0 

Executes a given vertex-centric program on this graph.

The program must be a static function that returns void and takes five input arguments:

  • a reference to a vertex-defined state. The type of this reference may be defined by the program, but has to match the element type of vertex_state passed to this function.
  • a const-reference to an incoming message. The type of this reference may be defined by the program, but has to match the element type of in passed to this function. It must furthermore be compatible with the domains of Op (see below).
  • a reference to an outgoing message. The type of this reference may be defined by the program, but has to match the element type of out passed to this function. It must furthermore be compatible with the domains of Op (see below).
  • a const-reference to a program-defined type. The function of this argument is to collect global read-only algorithm parameters.
  • a reference to an instance of grb::interfaces::PregelState. The function of this argument is two-fold: 1) make available global read- only statistics of the graph the algorithm is executing on, and to 2) control algorithm termination conditions.

The program will be called during each round of a Pregel computation. The program is expected to compute something based on the incoming message and vertex-local state, and (optionally) generate an outgoing message. After each round, the outgoing message at all vertices are broadcast to all its neighbours. The Pregel runtime, again for each vertex, reduces all incoming messages into a single message, after which the next round of computation starts, after which the procedure is repeated.

The program terminates in one of two ways:

  1. there are no more active vertices; or
  2. all active vertices vote to halt.

On program start, i.e., during the first round, all vertices are active. During the computation phase, any vertex can set itself inactive for subsequent rounds by setting grb::interfaces::PregelState::active to false. Similarly, any active vertex can vote to halt by setting grb::interfaces::PregelState::voteToHalt to true.

Reduction of incoming messages to a vertex will occur through an user- defined monoid given by:

Template Parameters
OpThe binary operation of the monoid. This includes its domain.
IdThe identity element of the monoid.

The following template arguments will be automatically inferred:

Template Parameters
ProgramThe type of the program to-be executed.
IOTypeThe type of the state of a single vertex.
GlobalProgramDataThe type of globally accessible read-only program data.
IncomingMessageTypeThe type of an incoming message.
OutgoingMessageTypeThe type of an outgoing message.

The arguments to this function are as follows:

[in]programThe vertex-centric program to execute.

The same Pregel runtime instance hence can be re-used to execute multiple algorithms on the same graph.

Vertex-centric programs have both vertex-local and global state:

[in]vertex_stateA vector that contains the state of each vertex.
[in]dataGlobal read-only state for the given program.

The capacity, size, and number of nonzeroes of vertex_state must equal the maximum vertex ID.

Finally, in the ALP spirit which aims to control all relevant performance aspects, the workspace required by the Pregel runtime must be pre- allocated and passed in:

[in]inWhere incoming messages are stored. Any initial values may or may not be ignored, depending on the program behaviour during the first round of computation.
[in]outWhere outgoing messages are stored. Any initial values will be ignored.

The capacities and sizes of in and out must equal the maximum vertex ID. For sparse vectors in with more than zero nonzeroes, all initial contents will be overwritten by the identity of the reduction monoid. Any initial contents for out will always be ignored as every round of computation starts with the outgoing message set to the monoid identity.

Thus if the program requires some initial incoming messages to be present during the first round of computation, those may be passed as part of a dense vectors in.

The contents of in and out after termination of a vertex-centric function are undefined, including when this function returns grb::SUCCESS. Output of the program should be part of the vertex-centric state recorded in vertex_state.

Some statistics are returned after a vertex-centric program terminates:

[out]roundsThe number of rounds the Pregel program has executed. The initial value to rounds will be ignored.

The contents of this field shall be undefined when this function does not return grb::SUCCESS.

Vertex-programs execute in rounds and could, if the given program does not infer proper termination conditions, run forever. To curb the number of rounds, the following optional parameter may be given:

[in]out_bufferAn optional buffer area that should only be set whenever the config::out_sparsify configuration parameter is not set to config::NONE. If that is the case, then out_buffer should have size and capacity equal to the maximum vertex ID.
[in]max_roundsThe maximum number of rounds the program may execute. Once reached and not terminated, the program will forcibly terminate.

To turn off termination after a maximum number of rounds, max_rounds may be set to zero. This is also the default.

Executing a Pregel function returns one of the following error codes:

grb::SUCCESS The program executed (and terminated) successfully.
grb::MISMATCH At least one of vertex_state, in, or out is not of the required size.
grb::ILLEGAL At least one of vertex_state, in, or out does not have the required capacity.
grb::ILLEGAL If vertex_state is not dense.
grb::PANIC In case an unrecoverable error was encountered during execution.

◆ getMatrix()

const grb::Matrix< MatrixEntryType >& getMatrix ( ) const

Returns the ALP/GraphBLAS matrix representation of the underlying graph.

This is useful when an application prefers to sometimes use vertex- centric algorithms and other times prefers direct ALP/GraphBLAS algorithms.

The underlying ALP/GraphBLAS matrix corresponding to the underlying graph.

◆ numEdges()

size_t numEdges ( ) const

Queries the number of edges of the graph this Pregel instance has been constructed over.

The number of edges within the underlying graph.

◆ numVertices()

size_t numVertices ( ) const

Queries the maximum vertex ID for programs running on this Pregel instance.

The maximum vertex ID.

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