ALP User Documentation  0.8.preview
Algebraic Programming User Documentation
Static Public Member Functions | List of all members
matrices< D, mode, backend, RIT, CIT, NIT > Class Template Reference

Factories for creating ALP/GraphBLAS matrices with standard patterns such as identity matrices. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static MatrixType dense (const size_t m, const size_t n, const D value)
 Builds a dense matrix filled with a given value. More...
template<typename Semiring = grb::Semiring< grb::operators::add< D >, grb::operators::mul< D >, grb::identities::zero, grb::identities::one >>
static MatrixType dense (const MatrixType &A, const Semiring &ring=Semiring())
 Builds a dense matrix from a given matrix. More...
template<class ValueIterator >
static MatrixType diag (const size_t m, const size_t n, const ValueIterator values, const ValueIterator valEnd, const long k=static_cast< long >(0))
 Builds a diagonal matrix with the given values. More...
static MatrixType empty (const size_t m, const size_t n)
 Builds an empty matrix, without any values. More...
static MatrixType eye (const size_t m, const size_t n, const D value=static_cast< D >(1), const long k=static_cast< long >(0))
 Builds a diagonal matrix. More...
static MatrixType eye (const size_t n)
 Builds a diagonal matrix. More...
static MatrixType full (const size_t m, const size_t n, const D value)
 Builds a dense matrix filled with a given value. More...
template<typename Semiring = grb::Semiring< grb::operators::add< D >, grb::operators::mul< D >, grb::identities::zero, grb::identities::one >>
static MatrixType identity (const size_t n, const Semiring &ring=Semiring())
 Builds an identity matrix. More...
template<typename Semiring = grb::Semiring< grb::operators::add< D >, grb::operators::mul< D >, grb::identities::zero, grb::identities::one >>
static MatrixType ones (const size_t m, const size_t n, const Semiring &ring=Semiring())
 Builds a matrix filled with ones. More...
template<typename Semiring = grb::Semiring< grb::operators::add< D >, grb::operators::mul< D >, grb::identities::zero, grb::identities::one >>
static MatrixType zeros (const size_t m, const size_t n, const Semiring &ring=Semiring())
 Builds a matrix filled with zeros. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename D, grb::IOMode mode = grb::PARALLEL, grb::Backend backend = grb::config::default_backend, typename RIT = grb::config::RowIndexType, typename CIT = grb::config::ColIndexType, typename NIT = grb::config::NonzeroIndexType>
class grb::algorithms::matrices< D, mode, backend, RIT, CIT, NIT >

Factories for creating ALP/GraphBLAS matrices with standard patterns such as identity matrices.

Just as with constructing any ALP container, the use of factory functions, when an error is encountered, results in C++ exceptions being thrown.

The capacity of returned matrices is requested at the exact minimum that is required. As per the core ALP/GraphBLAS specification, this means that the returned matrices have a capacity of at least the minimum required; i.e., assert( grb::nnz(R) <= grb::capacity(R) ); holds, with R the returned matrix.

In the case of an ALP process with multiple user processes, calling any factory method is a collective call. ALP guarantees that if a call fails at one user process, the call also fails at all other user processes, with matching exceptions. The matrix factory is scalable in the number of threads as well as the number of user processes.

The following matrix factory methods are supported:

  1. diag,
  2. empty,
  3. eye,
  4. identity,
  5. full,
  6. dense,
  7. ones, and
  8. zeros.

All these methods are implemented on top of core ALP primitives.

Template Parameters
DThe type of a non-zero element of the returned matrices.

When passing void to D, the returned matrices will be pattern matrices.

Template Parameters
modeThe I/O mode to be used when constructing matrices. Optional; default is grb::PARALLEL.
At present, diag for non-pattern matrices is only supported for sequential I/O. Please append to GitHub issue #238 if you require this functionality so that we may prioritise it higher.

The remainder template parameters are automatically inferred and should only be overridden by an expert user:

Template Parameters
backendThe selected backend.
RITThe type used for row indices.
CITThe type used for column indices.
NITThe type used for non-zero indices.
Performance semantics

While the implementation of all factory methods guarantee their construction within \( \Theta(1) \) work-space, the involved work and data movement are \( \mathcal{O}(n+m) \) instead, where \( n \) is the maximum matrix dimension and \( m \) the number of nonzeroes in the produced matrix.

In case of a shared-memory parallel backend with \( T \) threads, the thread-local work and data movement become \( \mathcal{O}((n+m)/T+T) \). System-wide compute costs thus are proportional to \( \mathcal{O}(m+n)/T+T \) while system-wide data movement costs remain proportional to \( \mathcal{O}(m+n+T) \), with usually \( m+n \gg T \). The work-space cost remains \( \Theta(1) \).

In case of a distributed-memory parallel backend and use of this factory class in grb::PARALLEL I/O mode over \( P \) user processes with \( T_s \) threads at user process \( s \), thread-local work and data movement become \( \mathcal{O}((n+m)/(T_sP)+T_s+P) \). System-wide compute costs thus are proportional to \( \mathcal{O}(\min_s (m+n)/(T_sP) + \max_s T_s + P), \) while system-wide data movement costs are proportional to \( \mathcal{O}((m+n)/P + \max_s T_s + P). \) The work-space costs are \( \Theta( P ) \).

In sequential I/O mode, we give only the system-wide costing for brevity:

  1. \( \mathcal{O}( \min m+n / T_s + \max T_s + P ) \) work;
  2. \( \mathcal{O}( m + n + \max T_s + P ) \) data movement;
  3. \( \Theta( P ) \) work-space.

Thus, the use of the sequential I/O mode is never scalable in \( P \) and discouraged always.
See also
grb::IOMode for a more in-depth description of sequential (versus parallel) I/O semantics.
This analysis assumes bandwidth is shared amongst all threads in a shared-memory system, whereas each user process has exclusive use of its memory controllers. These assumptions require properly configured execution environments.
A note on aliases
Different from core primitives, the goal for this factory class is to provide productive tools. This goal differs from the core primitives which aim to provide some minimal set of primitives that allow efficient implementation of the widest possible range of algorithms.

Given this difference in end-goal, maintaining multiple aliases for this factory class – or indeed for algorithms in general – are hence encouraged, as long as they indeed increase productivity.

Member Function Documentation

◆ dense() [1/2]

static MatrixType dense ( const size_t  m,
const size_t  n,
const D  value 

Builds a dense matrix filled with a given value.

This is an alias for full – see that function for complete documentation.
[in]mThe number of rows of the matrix.
[in]nThe number of columns of the matrix.
[in]valueThe value of each non-zero element.
The requested dense matrix.

◆ dense() [2/2]

static MatrixType dense ( const MatrixType A,
const Semiring ring = Semiring() 

Builds a dense matrix from a given matrix.

Indended for converting sparse input matrices to a dense format. Assumes numerical data types, and that entries previously not set by the input matrix, will equal zero in the returned matrix.

While not strictly a factory constructor, the definition of the above dense function does most likely raise the user expectation that the functionality provided by this method is available.

[in]AThe (sparse) input matrix.
[in]ringThe semiring in case 'zero' is not intended to be the standard numerical zero. This argument is optional; by default, the numerical zero will be used.
In case of non-numerical D, ring becomes a mandatory argument.
The matrix A converted to a dense format. More precisely, entries \( a_{ij} \in A \) will equal that of the returned matrix at position \( (i, j) \). Coordinates $(k, l)$ for which no entry \( a_{kl} \) existed in \( A \) will have value 0 in the returned matrix.

◆ diag()

static MatrixType diag ( const size_t  m,
const size_t  n,
const ValueIterator  values,
const ValueIterator  valEnd,
const long  k = static_cast< long >( 0 ) 

Builds a diagonal matrix with the given values.

This function takes as input an iterator-pair over any STL-style container of diagonal values.

Template Parameters
ValueIteratorThe type of the iterator used to provide the values. This iterator must be a forward iterator.
If ValueIterator is not also a random access iterator, then construction of the requested matrix cannot be parallelised.

The output matrix will contain \( q = \min\{ m, n \} \) non-zeroes or less if k is not zero.

[in]mThe number of rows of the matrix.
[in]nThe number of columns of the matrix.
[in]valuesThe iterator over the diagonal values.
[in]valEndIterator in end-position matching values.
[in]kThe diagonal offset (default = 0). A positive value indicates an offset above the main diagonal, while a negative value indicates an offset below the main diagonal.

The distance between values and valEnd must be at least \( q \), or less if k is not zero.

If mode is grb::PARALLEL, then the union of elements spanned by values and valEnd across all user processes making a collective call to this function, comprises the set of all input values. If mode is grb::SEQUENTIAL, then the elements spanned at each user process comprises the set of all input values, and the complete set of inputs must match over all user processes. See also grb::IOMode.

The requested diagonal matrix.
This function is currently only implemented for sequential I/O.

◆ empty()

static MatrixType empty ( const size_t  m,
const size_t  n 

Builds an empty matrix, without any values.

[in]mThe requested number of rows of the returned matrix.
[in]nThe requested number of columns of the returned matrix.
An empty matrix of the requested type.

◆ eye() [1/2]

static MatrixType eye ( const size_t  m,
const size_t  n,
const D  value = static_cast< D >( 1 ),
const long  k = static_cast< long >( 0 ) 

Builds a diagonal matrix.

The output matrix will contain \( \min\{ m, n \} \) non-zero elements or less, if k is not zero.

[in]mThe number of rows of the matrix.
[in]nThe number of columns of the matrix.
[in]valueThe value of each non-zero element.
[in]kThe diagonal offset. A positive value indicates an offset above the main diagonal, while a negative value indicates an offset below the main diagonal.

Providing value equal to one, k equal to zero, and n equal to m, is equivalent to a default call to identity. Therefore, value, k, and n are defined as optional arguments to this function as well, with defaults one and zero, respectively.

The requested diagonal matrix.

◆ eye() [2/2]

static MatrixType eye ( const size_t  n)

Builds a diagonal matrix.

This provides the variant where all optional arguments are defaulted.

[in]nThe size of the output square diagonal matrix.
The requested square diagonal matrix.

◆ full()

static MatrixType full ( const size_t  m,
const size_t  n,
const D  value 

Builds a dense matrix filled with a given value.

ALP/GraphBLAS does not have efficient support for dense matrices– the dense data will be stored in a sparse format, which will not lead to efficient computations. See ALP/Dense for efficient dense linear algebra support.

Output matrix will contain \( mn \) non-zero elements.

[in]mThe number of rows of the matrix.
[in]nThe number of columns of the matrix.
[in]valueThe value of each non-zero element.
The requested full matrix.

◆ identity()

static MatrixType identity ( const size_t  n,
const Semiring ring = Semiring() 

Builds an identity matrix.

This is an alias for eye. It differs only in that this function does not allow for rectangular output, nor for non-identity values on the diagonal, nor for diagonal offsets.

See eye for detailed documentation.

[in]nThe size of the identity matrix to be returned.
[in]ringThe semiring under which an identity matrix should be formed (optional – the default simply puts ones on the diagonal).
For non-numerical D, the semiring default cannot be applied and ring becomes a mandatory argument.
The requested identity matrix.

◆ ones()

static MatrixType ones ( const size_t  m,
const size_t  n,
const Semiring ring = Semiring() 

Builds a matrix filled with ones.

This is an alias for full( m, n, 1 ).
See also
full for complete documentation.
[in]mThe number of rows of the matrix.
[in]nThe number of columns of the matrix.
[in]ringThe semiring under which a matrix of ones should be formed (optional – the default simply produces a matrix of numerical ones).
For non-numerical D, the semiring default cannot be applied and ring becomes a mandatory argument.
Returns a dense matrix with entries one.

◆ zeros()

static MatrixType zeros ( const size_t  m,
const size_t  n,
const Semiring ring = Semiring() 

Builds a matrix filled with zeros.

This is an alias for factory::full( m, n, 0 )
See also
full for complete documentation.
[in]mThe number of rows of the matrix.
[in]nThe number of columns of the matrix.
[in]ringThe semiring under which a matrix of zeroes should be formed (optional – the default simply produces a matrix of numerical zeroes).
For non-numerical D, the semiring default cannot be applied and ring becomes a mandatory argument.
A dense matrix of zeroes.

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