SparseLibrary  Version 1.6.0
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CBigIntA 128-bit integer, with overloaded comparison operators
 CBlockOrderer< T >Induces a block order by fully traversing an SBDTree
 CBlockCRS< T >Codes the CRS block order
 CDuck< T >Codes the Minimal CCS block order
 CMinCCS< T >Codes the Minimal CCS block order
 CMinCRS< T >Codes the Minimal CRS block order
 CSepLast< T >Codes the Minimal CCS block order
 CU2< T >Codes the Minimal CCS block order
 CCBICRS_factory< _t_value >Factory for the Compressed Bi-directional Incremental Compressed Row Storage scheme
 CFileToVTClass responsible for reading in matrix market files and converting them to vector< Triplet > format
 CHilbertArrayInterface< T >Class providing an interface to an efficient storage of a 1D array of Hilbert coordinate increments
 CHilbertArray< T, I, hI, mI >Actual storage implementation
 CHilbertTriplet< T >Hilbert-coordinate-aware triplet
 CHilbertTripletCompare< T >Class-comparator of HilbertTriplet
 CMachineInfoSingleton class to get info on the current system
 CMatrix< T >Defines operations common to all matrices, which are implemented in this library
 CSparseMatrix< T, IND >Interface common to all sparse matrix storage schemes
 CCCSWrapper< T, SparseMatrixType, IND >Automatically transforms a row-major scheme into an column-major scheme
 CSparseMatrix< T, LI >
 CBlockHilbert< T >The Block Hilbert triplet scheme
 CBisectionHilbert< T >The Bisection Hilbert triplet scheme
 CZZ_CRS< T, _i_value >The zig-zag compressed row storage sparse matrix data structure
 CZZ_ICRS< T >The zig-zag incremental compressed row storage sparse matrix data structure
 CSparseMatrix< T, ULI >
 CBetaHilbert< T >The Beta Hilbert triplet scheme
 CCompressedHilbert< T >A Hilbert scheme backed by a specialised storage format
 CCRS< T >The compressed row storage sparse matrix data structure
 CMKLCRS< T >The compressed row storage sparse matrix data structure
 CHilbert< T >The Hilbert scheme backed by (C)BICRS
 CHTS< T >The Hilbert triplet scheme
 CICRS< T, _i_value >The incremental compressed row storage sparse matrix data structure
 CMcCRS< T >The compressed row storage sparse matrix data structure
 CRDBHilbert< T, MatrixType >The Beta Hilbert triplet scheme
 CRDCSB< T >Full parallel row-distributed SpMV, based on CSB (BlockCRS + Morton curve + Cilk) and PThreads
 CRDScheme< T, DS >Full parallel row-distributed SpMV, based on CSB (Morton curve + Cilk) and PThreads
 CSVM< T >The sparse vector matrix format
 CTS< T >The triplet scheme; a storage scheme for sparse matrices using triplets
 CvecBICRS< T, block_length_row, block_length_column, _i_value >The incremental compressed row storage sparse matrix data structure
 CSparseMatrix< T, unsigned long int >
 CDD_MATRIX< T, number_of_diagonals, diagonal_offsets >The dense diagonal matrix scheme; a storage scheme for sparse matrices consisting of only dense diagonals
 CMatrix2HilbertCoordinatesClass which maps coordinates to 1D Hilbert Coordinates
 CMatrix< _t_value >
 CSparseMatrix< _t_value, _i_value >
 CFBICRS< _t_value, _i_value, _sub_ds, logBeta >Hierarchical BICRS with fixed subblock size and distribution
 CSparseMatrix< _t_value, LI >
 CHBICRS< _t_value >Hierarchical Bi-directional Incremental Compressed Row Storage scheme
 CSparseMatrix< _t_value, ULI >
 CBICRS< _t_value, _i_value >Bi-directional Incremental Compressed Row Storage scheme
 CCBICRS< _t_value, _master_i_value, _master_j_value, _i_value, _j_value >Compressed Bi-directional Incremental Compressed Row Storage (BICRS) scheme
 CMatrix< double >
 CSparseMatrix< double, size_t >
 CCuHybWrapper class for the CuSparse HYB data structure for CUDA C
 CRDB_shared_data< T >Shared data for RDBHilbert threads
 CRDCSB_shared_data< T >Shared data for RDCSB threads
 CRDScheme_shared_data< T >Shared data for RDScheme threads
 CSBDTreeModels a Separated Block Diagonal tree structure
 CUpscaler< T >Transforms SBD-structures over q parts into an SBD structure over p parts, with q>p, and q,p both powers of two
 Cshared_data< T >Shared data for BetaHilbert threads
 CUpscaler< T >::treeIteratorPre-order tree iterator
 CUpscaler< T >::treeInOrderIteratorSame as treeIterator, but does in-order traversal instead of pre-order
 CUpscaler< T >::treePostOrderIteratorSame as treeIterator, but does post-order traversal instead of pre-order
 CTriplet< T >A single triplet value