ALP User Documentation
Algebraic Programming User Documentation
▼Ngrb | The ALP/GraphBLAS namespace |
▼Nalgorithms | The namespace for ALP/GraphBLAS algorithms |
Npregel | The namespace for ALP/Pregel algorithms |
Nconfig | Compile-time configuration constants as well as implementation details that are derived from such settings |
Ndescriptors | Collection of standard descriptors |
Nidentities | Standard identities common to many operators |
▼Ninterfaces | The namespace for programming APIs that automatically translate to ALP/GraphBLAS |
Nconfig | Contains configurations for programming models that are simulated on top of ALP/GraphBLAS |
Noperators | This namespace holds various standard operators such as grb::operators::add and grb::operators::mul |
▼Nutils | |
Ncontainers | Collects various useful STL-compatible containers |
Niterators | Collects various useful STL-compatible iterators |