Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- v -
- value
: has_immutable_nonzeroes< T >
, infinity< D >
, logical_false< D >
, logical_true< D >
, negative_infinity< D >
, one< D >
, zero< D >
, is_associative< T, typename >
, is_commutative< T, typename >
, is_container< T >
, is_idempotent< T, typename >
, is_monoid< T >
, is_object< T >
, is_operator< T >
, is_semiring< T >
, has_value_method< T >
, is_alp_matrix_iterator< MatrixValType, IterT >
- value_type
: Matrix< D, implementation, RowIndexType, ColIndexType, NonzeroIndexType >
, Vector< D, implementation, C >
, iterator_traits< grb::utils::iterators::IteratorFilter< FwdSubIter > >
- ValueType
: is_alp_matrix_iterator< MatrixValType, IterT >
- Vector()
: Vector< D, implementation, C >
- vertexID
: PregelState
- voteToHalt
: PregelState