Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- a -
- b -
- begin() : Matrix< D, implementation, RowIndexType, ColIndexType, NonzeroIndexType >, Vector< D, implementation, C >
- Benchmarker() : Benchmarker< mode, implementation >
- big_memory() : MEMORY
- blocksize : Semiring< _OP1, _OP2, _ID1, _ID2 >
- blocksize_add : Semiring< _OP1, _OP2, _ID1, _ID2 >
- blocksize_mul : Semiring< _OP1, _OP2, _ID1, _ID2 >
- broadcast() : collectives< implementation >
- build() : Vector< D, implementation, C >
- c -
- cbegin() : Matrix< D, implementation, RowIndexType, ColIndexType, NonzeroIndexType >, Vector< D, implementation, C >
- cend() : Matrix< D, implementation, RowIndexType, ColIndexType, NonzeroIndexType >, Vector< D, implementation, C >
- d -
- D1 : Monoid< _OP, _ID >, Semiring< _OP1, _OP2, _ID1, _ID2 >
- D2 : Monoid< _OP, _ID >, Semiring< _OP1, _OP2, _ID1, _ID2 >
- D3 : Monoid< _OP, _ID >, Semiring< _OP1, _OP2, _ID1, _ID2 >
- D4 : Semiring< _OP1, _OP2, _ID1, _ID2 >
- defaultAllocMode() : IMPLEMENTATION< BSP1D >, IMPLEMENTATION< reference >, IMPLEMENTATION< reference_omp >
- distance() : PREFETCHING< backend >
- e -
- enabled() : PREFETCHING< backend >
- end() : Matrix< D, implementation, RowIndexType, ColIndexType, NonzeroIndexType >, Vector< D, implementation, C >
- exec() : Benchmarker< mode, implementation >, Launcher< mode, backend >
- execute() : ConnectedComponents< VertexIDType >, PageRank< IOType, localConverge >, Pregel< MatrixEntryType >
- f -
- g -
- get_matrix() : Pregel< MatrixEntryType >
- getAdditiveMonoid() : Semiring< _OP1, _OP2, _ID1, _ID2 >
- getAdditiveOperator() : Semiring< _OP1, _OP2, _ID1, _ID2 >
- getIdentity() : Monoid< _OP, _ID >
- getMultiplicativeMonoid() : Semiring< _OP1, _OP2, _ID1, _ID2 >
- getMultiplicativeOperator() : Semiring< _OP1, _OP2, _ID1, _ID2 >
- getNonzeroIndex() : PinnedVector< IOType, implementation >
- getNonzeroValue() : PinnedVector< IOType, implementation >
- getOne() : Semiring< _OP1, _OP2, _ID1, _ID2 >
- getOperator() : Monoid< _OP, _ID >
- getZero() : Semiring< _OP1, _OP2, _ID1, _ID2 >
- i -
- l -
- m -
- Matrix() : Matrix< D, implementation, RowIndexType, ColIndexType, NonzeroIndexType >
- Monoid() : Monoid< _OP, _ID >
- MultiplicativeMonoid : Semiring< _OP1, _OP2, _ID1, _ID2 >
- MultiplicativeOperator : Semiring< _OP1, _OP2, _ID1, _ID2 >
- n -
- o -
- One : Semiring< _OP1, _OP2, _ID1, _ID2 >
- Operator : Monoid< _OP, _ID >
- operator!=() : Matrix< D, implementation, RowIndexType, ColIndexType, NonzeroIndexType >::const_iterator, Vector< D, implementation, C >::const_iterator
- operator()() : Vector< D, implementation, C >
- operator*() : Matrix< D, implementation, RowIndexType, ColIndexType, NonzeroIndexType >::const_iterator, Vector< D, implementation, C >::const_iterator
- operator++() : Matrix< D, implementation, RowIndexType, ColIndexType, NonzeroIndexType >::const_iterator, Vector< D, implementation, C >::const_iterator
- operator=() : Matrix< D, implementation, RowIndexType, ColIndexType, NonzeroIndexType >, Vector< D, implementation, C >
- operator==() : Matrix< D, implementation, RowIndexType, ColIndexType, NonzeroIndexType >::const_iterator, Vector< D, implementation, C >::const_iterator
- operator[]() : Vector< D, implementation, C >
- outdegree : PregelState
- outer() : BENCHMARKING
- p -
- r -
- s -
- self_type : Matrix< D, implementation, RowIndexType, ColIndexType, NonzeroIndexType >
- sharedAllocMode() : IMPLEMENTATION< BSP1D >, IMPLEMENTATION< reference >, IMPLEMENTATION< reference_omp >
- size() : PinnedVector< IOType, implementation >, Vector< D, implementation, C >
- t -
- v -
- value : has_immutable_nonzeroes< T >, infinity< D >, logical_false< D >, logical_true< D >, negative_infinity< D >, one< D >, zero< D >, is_associative< T, typename >, is_commutative< T, typename >, is_container< T >, is_idempotent< T, typename >, is_monoid< T >, is_object< T >, is_operator< T >, is_semiring< T >
- value_type : Matrix< D, implementation, RowIndexType, ColIndexType, NonzeroIndexType >, Vector< D, implementation, C >
- Vector() : Vector< D, implementation, C >
- vertexID : PregelState
- voteToHalt : PregelState
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